Pure Vermont Maple Syrup
Pure Vermont Maple Syrup
Grades begin with light to dark. Dark being the sweetest with a strong maple flavor. Most popular is a medium grade and first timers sometimes prefer the lightest grade, golden delicate.
Golden Delicate (Light) - Delicate maple flavor Out of Stock
Amber Rich (Medium) - Most popular for pancakes
Dark Robust (Dark) - Great for baking, robust maple flavor
Choice of plastic or glass available in most sizes (we do not ship glass—local pickup only). If returning a glass jug from a previous purchase - $4.00 credit towards purchase.
When ordering half gallon(s) shipping is included in total. Half Gallon $30, +shipping $19.00, total $49.00 or Two Half Gallons, $60, +25.00, total $85. *Please note if sending two half gallons, must be to one address. Please contact us if you need assistance in shipping to more than one address. For pint, quart and other sizes, please contact us to assist with your order so we can offer the most cost effective shipping. We are fully stocked in our inventory but currently cannot calculate shipping in order to check out online. We are working on it!